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Treatment of aluminium cansand recycling of waste tins

Household and industrial consumption is witnessing a great increase in long-life foods, which need to be packed hermetically in composite paper and plastic containers or in metal packaging. The recycling sector is ever more focusing on the treatment of aluminium cans and metal tins in general.

Treatment of aluminium cansand recycling of waste tins

În amonte de morile cu ciocane este posibil să instalați un tocător primar, un tocător cu două arbori din seria WLP al volumelor și pentru a face reducerea de către moara cu ciocane mai rapidă.

Tins include metal boxes and cans, but also glass bottle caps, waste that features a very high concentration of metal and only 1% of residual materials. Among the shelf-life solutions proposed by large-scale retailers, the tin can remains the perfectly recyclable enclosure providing an ideal ratio between raw material obtained and energy used. These materials can practically be recovered without end and, respect to the primary production of new containers, recycling significantly reduces energy consumption and CO2 emissions with great advantages on an ecological and economical level.

The recycling of cans and jars allows to recover metals such as steel, tin and aluminium. During the recovery stage, these metals are ground to clean them from damp, paper and plastic labels and paints, thus obtaining a secondary raw material in compliance with current standards. The metal obtained is recovered for steel mills and needs careful sorting to eliminate all the impurities present and to achieve an increase in density.

Find out more about all our recycling solutions!

Care este

Vă ascultăm nevoile și vă putem furniza cele mai bune tehnologii pentru a vă îndeplini obiectivele de afaceri.
Ciclurile de prelucrare sunt concepute pentru a maximiza activitățile de producție, pentru a putea obține recuperarea integrală a materiilor prime secundare și pentru a le reintroduce direct în ciclul economic.


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