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Recycle waste from metal scrap

How do you treat metal scrap? Following changes on the market in recent years and in compliance with new European standards, companies are ever more encouraged to perform End-of-Waste treatments, to totally recover metals and transform them into secondary raw material.

Recycle waste from metal scrap

해머 밀의 상류에는 기본 파쇄기를 설치할 수 있습니다, WLP 시리즈 트윈 샤프트 체적의 분쇄기와 해머 밀에 의한 감소를 더 빠르게 만들기 위해.

Metal scrap has always been a waste of great interest due to its high concentration of metal – in some cases reaching 90% of its overall weight. This led in the past to many companies founding their business on the marketing of metal scrap. In recent years, the recycling of this type of material is even more quoted due to the increase in prices of raw materials and a progressive conversion of these businesses to a complete treatment process. 사실, 회복은 important occasion from an environmental standpoint and a more eco-friendly solution than the brand-new production of metals, 그리고 이것이 전부가 아닙니다! The conversion from only marketing to a complete metal treatment cycle entails a variety of economical advantages and the possibility of opening new perspectives for one’s business and new concrete trade opportunities.

The exponential improvement in recycling processes and innovative grinding and sorting technologies allow our metal transformation plants to return a homogeneous material with a high specific weight, ideal to be put back on the market. It is fundamental that they comply with all of the conditions set forth by EU standards to become secondary raw material and no longer fall under the waste category. 이 우리의 산출물의 고품질 보장되며 철의 직접 판매에 이상적입니다., 구리, 놋쇠, 철강 및 알루미늄을 주조 공장 및 제철소로.

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