What is the shearing type double shaft shredder?
Double shaft shredder is a device used to crush various materials from diverse industry, such as soild waste, hazardous waste, household appliances, rifiuti elettrici, and so on. It is mounted with two rotors and two motors with a throughput capacity of 300kg/h-20t/h.
Rispetto a un trituratore monoalbero, it has no sieve, which enables materials to be discharge directly after input. Although the output particle size is random, it features low speed and high torque, which is more energy-saving.
Moreover, it can work as a stand-alone machine or as a pre shredder that integrated in complete recycling line for further processing, for example sorting and seperation. We can tailor based on your needs.
In the solid waste recycling industry, the two-axis shredder has great advantages :
1.High alloy steel
The cutteris made of high alloy steel, so our blades are wear and corrosive resistant.The alloy is a material with a hardness of HRC 55-68, so we can use hardfacing technology to repair our blade if there is any damage, enhancing blade lifespan.
2.Anti-wind fixed blade
Questo design impedisce efficacemente l'avvolgimento dei materiali attorno alla lama durante la lavorazione, Riduzione al minimo dei tempi di inattività causati da blocchi e garanzia di funzionamento continuo delle apparecchiature.
3.Quadruple sealing system
It offers stable and safe sealing under challenging conditions, Migliora la resistenza del sistema alla corrosione e lo rende adatto ad ambienti difficili.
4.Sistema di inversione automatica
Re-orients rotor direction when motor overload or material jam.
5.Sistema di controllo PLC
I principali componenti elettrici del trituratore a doppio albero sono marchi di fiducia come Siemens e Schneider. Il sistema di controllo PLC può realizzare il monitoraggio in tempo reale, allarme anomalo, Diagnosi e analisi dei dati da remoto. 6.Bassi costi di funzionamento e manutenzione
6.Rational design
Con un design razionale, I trituratori a doppio albero sono semplici da utilizzare e mantenere, rendendo facile per gli utenti padroneggiare il funzionamento e la manutenzione.
Double-shaft shredders are widely used in the treatment of various types of industrial waste, including but not limited to the following areas:
Pneumatici – Car, Truck and O.T.R. (Off The Road – Earthmovers etc.)
Steel – Car Body Shells, Sheet Scrap, Drums, and so on.
Electronic Scrap – WEEE Directive Materials.
Wood/Timber – Pallets, Wooden boxes, and so on.
Aluminum – Castings, Aluminum can, and so on.
Rifiuti ingombranti – Mixed Household, Commercial, Pulper Waste from Paper Industry, and so on.
Rifiuti sanitari – Rifiuti di siringhe, rifiuti farmaceutici, piccoli dispositivi medici, rifiuti di materiale in lattice, maschere scartate, and so on.
Prodotti di carta – Cartoni usati, cartone, giornali, Libri, Documenti, Brochure, carta da imballaggio, and so on.
Double shaft shredders are essential tools for efficient waste management, recycling in various industries. As a manufactuer in this industry with more ten years, we have rich experience and can cater for your any requirements.