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Recycling aluminium

The market demands ever more lightweight and efficient alloys, making aluminium the metal of the future par excellence. Its recovery is an important from an economical standpoint.

Recycling aluminium

En amont des broyeurs à marteaux, il est possible d’installer un broyeur primaire, un broyeur à deux arbres de la série WLP des volumes et pour accélérer la réduction par le broyeur à marteaux.

An ever more large variety of objects, products and components are made in aluminium or in its primary and secondary alloys. Its features make this metal essential both in the construction of many common objects (bicycles, windows, coffee makers, etc.) and for technologically advanced and complex components (trains, cars, computers, aircraft and still more). As it does not exist in nature, aluminium has been recycled since 1900. Particularly in today’s circular economy it covers an important role. The recycling of aluminium, whether it be profile or casing, means dividing it from all the components with which it is assembled. One of the most common examples is the recycling of aluminium window frames which include screws, glass, handles and plastic with thermal functions.

Grinding operations can completely separate the additional materials so as to preserve the primary alloy aluminium, an ideal solution with respect to a process that entails casting that could create less valuable secondary alloys. X-ray sorting devices are used in our recycling plants for better selection of the aluminium alloy quality. They separate primary aluminium from secondary aluminium, an essential distinction for better yield during casting at the foundry.

En savoir plus sur toutes nos solutions de recyclage!

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Les cycles de traitement sont conçus pour maximiser les activités de production, être en mesure d’atteindre la récupération complète des matières premières secondaires et de les réintroduire directement dans le cycle économique.


WALI récupère et recycle des ressources précieuses dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement.