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End-of-life vehicles recycling plant

End-of-life vehicles recycling plant

Upstream of the hammer mills it is possible to install a primary shredder, a WLP series twin-shaft shredder of the volumes and to make the reduction by the hammer mill faster.

WALI Recycling has a variety of solutions for recycling end-of-life vehicles. Depending on treatment requirements, shredding, grinding and sorting can be applied so as to recover all the metals, achieving a secondary raw material output. The solution is applied turnkey and includes mechanically-operated modular systems. The WALI hammer mill is at the core of the treatment which, thanks to crushing logic, produces a high quality and density ferrous proler, simplifying the recovery of the rest of the metals in the following sorting steps.

New environmental standards and the growing costs of waste disposal require bringing shredding residues for recovery, better known as ASR or Car-Fluff.
ASR consists of glass, fibre, rubber, plastic and a large amount of metals such as steel, copper and aluminium. The compound, years ago considered too complicated and wear-causing to be treated, can now efficiently be brought to the End-of-Waste cycle thanks to the WALI refining plant

What is your

We listen to your needs and can supply you with the best technologies to meet your business goals.
The processing cycles are designed to maximise production activities, to be able to attain full recovery of secondary raw materials and to reintroduce them directly into the economic cycle.


WALI recupera y recicla recursos valiosos en la cadena de suministro.