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Recycleelectric motors

The electric motor is definitely the scrap with the highest concentration of iron, copper, brass and aluminium when it comes to metal waste.

Recycleelectric motors

Upstream of the hammer mills it is possible to install a primary shredder, a WLP series twin-shaft shredder of the volumes and to make the reduction by the hammer mill faster.

There are no doubts about possibility of processing electric motors since up to 98% of its overall weight can be recovered, transforming it into secondary raw material. The market is extremely open at this time: construction, transport vehicles and technology greatly need for these metals. From a processing standpoint, the electric motor is not an “easy” waste due to its highly wear-causing features that puts pressure on the rotors, grilles and blades of the recovery plants. At the same time this scrap features a large range of different sizes, from an overall weight ranging from 10 kg to 40 kg and the processing cycle changes based on the size. Companies processing this product must definitely pay the utmost attention to the solidity of their breakup and grinding machinery. At WALI, as direct users, we know only too well the issues related to wear and strong stress that the components, welds and steelwork are subject to.

This is why our hammers and armours are made in special anti-wear castings– for the processing of bulky waste. The sorting of the outfeed granule is just as important. General sorting is not acceptable for foundries and steel mills as it causes problems during the various material casting stages, such as what occurs in foundries when copper residues lead to important defects in iron castings. This is why the wali refining systems have an advanced separation stage, to complete the grinding cycle, achieving a high quality final result In this regard, the latest technological updates have led us to insert a high precision optical sorter.

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We listen to your needs and can supply you with the best technologies to meet your business goals.
The processing cycles are designed to maximise production activities, to be able to attain full recovery of secondary raw materials and to reintroduce them directly into the economic cycle.


WALI recupera y recicla recursos valiosos en la cadena de suministro.